About Us
We were founded as a youth club called Düşün Taşın in 2007 to increase the love of reading and awareness in Turkey. Having become an association on January 12, 2010, Düşün Taşın is a youth organization that produces “Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship” projects.
Düşün Taşın association has conducted “550” different events in order to increase reading love & habit. The association still continues to work with large group of young volunteers to bring the concept of "Collective Book Reading Day" to the world literature. 135,000 people have attended the activities of the Düşün Taşın Association so far and a total of 2,254,654 pages of the book were read in these events. Düşün Taşın association aims to spread the movement to finish a book each week in Turkey. The Think Stone Association, which has been invited by 84 different universities in 10 years and works with hundreds of university students, thanks to what people read; aims to contribute to the transfer of our country from the "Mouse Society to the Keyboard Society" in computer use and content production by helping them discover the developments around them and worldwide.
It is a non-governmental organization that has carried out projects with more than 400 institutions, organizations and universities in its 10-year history.
10 yıllık mazisinde 400’den fazla kurum, kuruluş ve üniversite ile projeler gerçekleştirmiş bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur.
T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı tarafından himaye almaya layık görülmüştür. T.C. Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı ile Kelebek Etkisi Liderlik Projesi, Domino Kitap Kafe Projesi ve Kelebek Etkisi İstanbul Projesi, T.C. İçişleri Bakanlığı ile Çarpan Etkisi Liderlik Projesi’ni hayata geçirmiştir.
Our Vision
To lead the goodness movement spanning from Turkey to rest of the World; that is also beneficial for young people, giving opportunity to every individual who wants to improve and accepting everyone as they are.
Our Mission
- Create an awarness about “books” and “reading” in our country, Being a wordwide brand known for “boks and reading”, with increasing the love and consciousness about reading in our country, With our Works, transfer our country from the "Mouse Society to the Keyboard Society" in computer use and content making, Focus on doing sustainable business in the field of "social entrepreneurship" in terms of the extraordinary projects we do and the value we created from them as a “youth formation”, Believing that the world can change with a person's self-improvement and correction; to manage a movement that wants to be a "Thinking establishment" in the long run with its studies.